Speciality Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Sylvain Simard

Medical Director

Dr. Sylvain Simard is a cutting-edge provider of regenerative medicine treatments and platelet-rich plasma for joint repair, facial rejuvenation and many types of injuries. Regenerative medicine targets the underlying source of pain without relying on medication or surgery and leads to increased function and mobility with a shorter recovery time. Dr. Simard has pioneered these safe and effective procedures for a variety of joint, tendon, ligament, and spinal conditions.

  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Spinal Conditions
– Susan, Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Susan is a 65-year-old patient from San Diego that came to our center with a very strong case of polymyalgia rheumatica which is a form of arthritis. She was given a 12.5 milligrams of prednisone to stop the pain at a clinic in San Diego but was told she could not take prednisone for too long. She decided Stem Cell Therapy was the best treatment, since it was minimally invasive and did not require more medication.

Our Specialists

All the doctors at our  Age Management Center are board certified in their specialty. And they’ve dedicated themselves to anti-aging and functional medicine to heal your medical conditions and injuries.